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Update of Athletic Fascilities

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

We are very thankful to announce that on Monday, October 30, the County Commission voted 19-0 to approve the transfer of $15.8 million from school board reserves to our capital and maintenance lines. The meeting included over 2 hours of public comments where parents and students shared support for improving and rebuilding our athletic facilities across the county. I am so proud of our team. Mr. Powell, Dr. Sawyers, Dr. Woods, and Dr. Miller, along with their teams, worked hard to ensure our kids had great experiences this year despite the challenges. Their QB Clubs, Band Boosters, and communities worked hard together and showed the power of one Sumner County! The other schools offered their facilities and support to help. I am thankful for you all. There will be several phases in the upcoming years to update our athletic facilities that will touch every campus across the county. I am thankful for the community teams that met to identify those needs, campus by campus. We will continue to work to refine those plans and work on cost and an implementation timeline. I will update everyone on where we are at each stage of the journey. I am thankful for our school board that voted to support our requests and projects. Their support makes it possible for us to do great things. I am thankful for the commissioners who supported us each step of the way and that eventually 19 of 24 voted to approve the transfer of funds. I am thankful also for our team behind the scenes. Our maintenance, finance, and purchasing teams worked hard to ensure we could pay for temporary bleachers, set those bleachers up, and meet the ongoing needs of our campuses. They do amazing work! Lastly, I am intensely thankful for our students. Many students showed up Monday night to express their support for updating and rebuilding our athletic facilities. Their pictures are attached. There were many compliments given on their comments. You can all be proud of the young men and women from Sumner County!

Scott Langford, Ed.D. Director of Schools Sumner County Schools

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